Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Lesson in Failure

Miss not the lesson in failure. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #lesson #learnalesson #learn #failure #opportunity #inspiration #motivation #appreciation #becoming #wisdom #worldly #ah-ha

Monday, October 29, 2018

Look Into The Future

As we look into the future it stares back at us in wonder.
Is it true what you plan? How far will you go to make it happen?
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #future #lookintothefuture #wonder #plan #makeithappen #inspiration #inspire #motivate #motivation #appreciation #aspire

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Temporary Condition

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
~Marilyn Vos Savant

#rhlelchuk #MarilynVosSavant #defeat #beingdefeated #temporarycondition #giveup #givingup #permanent #losing #winning #lose #win #motivation #inspiration #appreciation

Monday, October 22, 2018

It's All Temporary!

Courage, my friends. Anything you are facing, any challenge, trial or upset is only temporary.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #courage #challenges #trials #upsets #temporary #patience #change #impatient #friends

Friday, October 19, 2018

May We Suggest...

You may radiate all sorts of things.
May we suggest a ray of gratitude?
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #sendoutcards #gratitude #grateful #expressinggratitude #eversograteful #humble #radiate #radiatelove #motivation #inspiration #dailymotivation

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Turn Around

Walking backward into the future looking at the past is like trying to steer a car by looking in the rear view mirror.
Turn around!
Leave the past in the past and boldly face your destiny.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #walkingbackward #future #thepast #past #turnaround #leavethepastinthepast #yourdestiny #yourfuture #inspiration #motivation 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Jack Canfield says...

“What am I telling myself that I can’t do?”
“Setting a high goal brings up the hidden issues.”
“Scared is just part of the game.”
~Jack Canfield

#rhlelchuk #JackCanfield #tellingmyself #goals #settinggoals #highgoals #hiddenissues #scared #game #partofthegame #inspiration #motivation

Friday, October 12, 2018

You're a Rockstar

You’re a Rockstar!

#rhlelchuk #yourearockstar #rockstar #empower #engage #liftup #uplifting #inspire #motivate #innovate #SendOutCards #greetingcards

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Look to Source

Everyday look inward to the power of Source for direction, guidance and inspiration. It’s within you and there for the taking.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #lookinward #everyday #powerofSource #Source #direction #guidance #inspiration #motivation #thereforthetaking #available #InnerPeace

Friday, October 5, 2018

Thank goodness we live in a realm with the dimension of time, for with time all things, both good and bad, shall pass.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #time #dimensionoftime #allthingsshallpass #liveanddie #lifeanddeath #allthingsmustend #joyful #inspiration #nothinglastsforever

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Draw People In...

Draw people into your sphere as they are a source of great joy and inspiration.
~ R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #drawpeoplein #sphereofinfluence #influencer #source #greatjoy #inspiration #motivation #relationship #heartfelt #walkaway

Monday, October 1, 2018

Your Choice!

Know this well…
It’s always your choice.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #choice #makeachoice #alwaysyourchoice #alwaysyournextmove #wisdom #thought #choose #choosewisely #action