Friday, December 29, 2017

Yesterday's Future

The future of yesterday lives in the actions of today.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #inspiration #motivation #future #yesterday #past #tomorrow #live #life #today #now #present #action #inmotion 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Forgiveness Before Love

It is impossible to love fully while holding a grudge.
Forgiveness always comes before love.
~R. H. Lelchuk

Forgiveness – is to give as before; the intentional and voluntary process whereby a perceived wrong or injustice is relinquished and let go; where anger and hatred is transformed into compassion and love.  

#rhlelchuk #motivation #inspiration #love #grudge #forgive #forgiveness #holdingagrudge #letgo #anger #hatred #compassion 

Friday, December 22, 2017

Equal in the Eyes of the Divine

Each of us has our story,
None more important than another;
Each equal in the eyes of the Divine.
See, you do rock!
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #story #each #equal #divine #eyesofthedivine #important #yourock

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Choose to Be, Do, Have

Be the soul you choose to be.
Do the things you choose to do.
Have the life you choose to have.
Be, do, have.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #soul #choose #be #do #have #bedohave #choice #incharge

Monday, December 18, 2017

In Alignment

I am in alignment with the choices I’ve made.
Everything is always working out for me.

#rhlelchuk #inspiration #motivation #lawofattraction #alignment #choice #choices #always #everything #worksoutintheend 

Friday, December 15, 2017

I Appreciate You

Who do you appreciate?
Do they know it?
I appreciate you!
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #motivation #inspiration #appreciate #appreciation #iappreciateyou #share #sharing #love

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Space Holder or Dream Maker

Without dreams we merely occupy space.
Are you a space holder or dream maker?
~R. H. Lelchuk

Imagine this picture as a greeting card cover (with or without the quote). IM me, I’ll show you how.

#rhlelchuk #dreams #space #occupyspace #spaceholder #dreammaker #imagination #desire #motivation #inspiration #action #takeaction #fuel #drive #drivingforce 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Life is Not Complicated

Life is not complicated – Be assured it is unfolding just as it should.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #life #complicated #simple #lifeisgood #assured #assurance #unfolding #asitshould #accordingtoplan #inspiration #motivation 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

One of a Kind

Compare yourself to no one, because no one equals you.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #compare #noone #equal #unique #special #oneofakind #motivation #inspiration 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Your Ideal Life

5 Steps To Sculpting Your Ideal Life
1. Clarify Your Goals (Focus like a sniper.)
2. Clear Plan of Attack (Map it like a GPS.)
3. Courage to Start It (Do it like failure doesn't matter.)
4. Confidence to Continue It (Persistence pays better than what giving up cost.)
5. Consistency to Complete It (A fine finish trumps any horrible start.)
~Stephen Pierce

#stephenpierce #ideallife #ideal #life #clarify #plan #start #continue #complete #goals #courage #confidence #consistency #focus #mapit #failure #success #persistence #givingup #finish

Friday, November 24, 2017



Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and 
lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism. 

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass. 

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself. 

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. 

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. 
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy. 

Max Ehrmann, 
Desiderata, ©1952

Monday, November 20, 2017

Being Love, Being Awake

When you can no longer tell the difference between being yourself and being love, you are not far from waking up.
~Eric Micha’el Leventhal

#EricMicha’elLeventhal #difference #thedifference #yourself #love #beinglove #waking #wakingup #awakening #be #belove #soul #essence #inspiration

Friday, November 17, 2017

I am a Soul

I am not my body.
My body is a temporary vessel.
It is my essence, my soul, that is eternal.
Love, peace, joy, purity, happiness.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #body #mybody #Iam #temporary #vessel #essence #myessence #soul #mysoul #eternal #love #peace #joy #purity #happiness #pureessence #pointoflight

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Know Thy Self

How do we truly know ourselves?
Go into the silence and explore.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #know #knowyourself #knowself #knowthyself #silence #gointothesilence #explore #introspection #quiet #quietthemind

Monday, November 13, 2017

Being Satisfied with What Is

Do not set goals.
Be satisfied with what is
And eager for more.
~Abraham Hicks

#rhlelchuk #inspiration #motivation #goals #setgoals #satisfy #satisfied #satisfaction #whatis #whatsso #bewith #eager #more #eagerformore

Friday, November 10, 2017

Spirit is Peace, Harmony and Love

Spirit is peace, harmony and love.
As a spiritual being having a human experience
Always remember your roots.
You are spirit first, human second.
Spirit is peace, harmony and love.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #spirit #peace #harmony #love #spiritual #being #spiritualbeing #human #humanexperience #humanbeing #roots #inspiration #motivation #soul

Friday, November 3, 2017

Winning at the Game of Life

If life is a game how do you win?
You live in Peace, Harmony and Love!
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #inspiration #motivation #life #game #win #winner #live #livein #peace #harmony #love #wordstoliveby #sharelove #liveinpeace

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Heart Guide

 Let your heart be your guide when expressing the self.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #heart #guide #express #expressing #self #motivation #inspiration #thoughtful #mindful #mindfulness 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Subconscious Mind

The language of the subconscious mind is repetitive visualization linked to high emotion. Communicate through visualizing your desires topped with profound feeling; visualize again and again with deep emotion.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #language #subconscious #mind #subconsciousmind #visualization #emotion #deepemotion #communicate #desire #feeling #feelings #repeat #againandagain #motivation #inspiration #transformation

Monday, October 23, 2017


“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”
~John Lennon

#johnlennon #happy #happiness #keytolife #life #understanding #growup 

Friday, October 20, 2017

Who Am I?

Answer this question, “Who am I if I’m not struggling with…”
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #question #answer #whoami #struggle #struggling #identity #ego #inspiration #motivation #inquiry 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wishing You...

Wishing you Peace, Love & Harmony
in who you be, all you do and what you share.
R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #motivation #inspiration #wish #wishing #peace #love #harmony #whoyoube #be #do #share #spreadlove #spreadpeace #spreadharmony

Monday, October 16, 2017

It's Love

The most powerful force in the Universe has no physical presence. It can heal, sustain and empower anyone, anytime, anywhere. It is the most valuable, most coveted of all prizes. It is everywhere and all one has to do to have it is to share it. It is love.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #motivation #inspiration #love #power #powerful #TheUniverse #heal #sustain #empower #anyone #anytime #anywhere #prize #share #sharelove

Friday, October 13, 2017

Playing Your Part

We all have parts to play in this life. You contribute by allowing others to play theirs.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #motivation #inspiration #partstoplay #parttoplay #contribute #contribution #allow #allowing #others #synergy 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

For the child within...

Within each of us is a peace loving, playful, joyful child yearning to be set free. Only you have the key to release those shackles.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #peaceloving #playful #joyful #child #children #childhood #setfree #freedom #key #release #shackles #motivation #inspiration #happiness #quote 

Monday, October 9, 2017

In An Instant

The world changes in the instant before we react.
~R. H. Lelchuk

#rhlelchuk #motivation #inspiration #change #world #react #inaninstant #thought #thoughtful #counttoten #pause #slowdown

Turn this or any image into a greeting card for someone special. Ask me how.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Love around the World

The world is counting on all of us to do our part: Life in Appreciation, Be Grateful, Express Our Love, Show Compassion!

#rhlelchuk #lynnandrick #quote #quoteoftheday #transform #inspire #inspiration #transformation #motivation #emotion #emotionalwellbeing #Grateful #Love #Compassion #Appreciation #SendOutCards #motivation #PeaceonEarth

Monday, July 24, 2017

A Powerful Transmitter and Receiver

Thoughts connect us to both Infinite Intelligence and the realm of Physical Manifestation. Receiver and Transmitter, we are powerful beyond our wildest imagination. Awesome!
~R. H. Lelchuk
#rhlelchuk #lynnandrick #thought #thoughts #connect #connection #thoughtsconnect #infiniteintelligence #physicalmanifestation #manifest #receiver #transmitter #powerful #awesome #mindcontrol

Monday, July 17, 2017

Power of a Smile!

A simple smile has the power to transform instantly… and I can prove it.
Put a smile on your face right now. Do it!
Let a big ole grin slowly form. Hold it there for a moment.
Can’t you feel its power to transform? How easy was that? Pow!
~R. H. Lelchuk
#rhlelchuk #lynnandrick #quote #quoteoftheday #smile #simplesmile #transform #transforminstantly
 #proveit #grin #power #easy #inspire #inspiration #transformation #motivation #emotion #emotionalwellbeing

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Age Gracefully, My Love

Age gracefully with me my love, for there is no sense in wondering what happened to our youth. We now serve a higher purpose, that is to honorably complete the circle of life.
~R. H. Lelchuk
#rhlelchuk #lynnandrick #quote #quoteoftheday #inspiration #inspiredthought #thought #ageing #grace #gracefully #circleoflife #complete #completion #honor #honorably #purpose #higherpurpose

Monday, July 10, 2017

Just for the Irony

They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad that I’m going to miss mine by just a few days. ~Garrison Keillor
#garrisonkeillor #APrairieHomeCompanion #quote #quoteoftheday #thought #thoughtoftheday #lynnandrick #funerals #saynicethings #humor #thoughtful #wit #irony

Friday, July 7, 2017

Looking Through the Window

Your assumptions are your windows on the world.
Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.
~Alan Alda
#alanalda #lynnandrick #quote #quoteoftheday #motivation #inspiration #insight #assume #assumption #world #windows #light #thoughts #clearyourthoughts #clearthinking #thinking #funny

Friday, June 30, 2017

Repeat After Me...

Repeat after me:
I am grateful for the abundance in my life.
I am honored to love and to be loved.
I am excited every day for my special journey.
~R. H. Lelchuk
#rhlelchuk #lynnandrick #quote #quoteoftheday #motivation #inspiration #repeatafterme #iamgrateful #grateful #abundance #abundanceinmylife #life #iamhonored #honored #love #tolove #beloved #excited #everyday #journey #special #specialjourney

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Just Take the Risk

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
~T. S. Eliot
#TSEliot #lynnandrick #quote #quoteoftheday #motivation #inspiration #wisdom #risk #goingtoofar #results #riskybusiness #challenge #opportunity #possibility #uncertainty #mystery #bravery

Monday, June 26, 2017


The answers are always out there. Just refine your question,
leave your receptors open and keep searching.
~R. H. Lelchuk
#rhlelchuk #lynnandrick #answers #outthere #question #questions #refine #refinement #receptors #searching #keepsearching #quote #quoteoftheday #motivation #inspiration #hope

Friday, June 23, 2017

For the Sake of Laughter

“You don't stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.”
~George Bernard Shaw
#georgebernardshaw #lynnandrick #laughing #growold #maturing #ageing #laughter #laughteristhebestmedicine #neverstoplaughing #humorous #humor #quote #motivation #inspiration

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


True Happiness Like True Love is Unconditional.
~R. H. Lelchuk
#rhlelchuk #lynnandrick #happiness #truehappiness #happy #love #truelove #unconditionallove #unconditional #noconditions #nobounds #unbounded #quote #quoteoftheday #motivation #inspiration #wisdom

Monday, June 19, 2017

Believe In Yourself

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
~Norman Vincent Peale
#normanvincentpeale #lynnandrick #believe #believeinyourself #faith #havefaith #abilities #yourabilities #confidence #confident #power #powerful #youarepowerful #success #successful #happy #happiness #quote #quoteoftheday #motivation #inspiration #transformation

Friday, June 16, 2017

Twists and Turns

Every twist and turn in life is there for an unseen purpose.
Downturns and upturns proffer lessons to be learned and insights to be shared.
~R. H. Lelchuk
#rhlelchuk #lynnandrick #twistandturn #twistsandturns #life #purpose #reason #lessons #lifelessons #insights #learn #share #quote #dailyquote #inspiration #motivation #fate #karma

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Set Bold Goals

Set bold goals; infuse them with great desire.
Then take positive and determined steps toward those goals.
Personal success is measured against accomplishment of the goals you set.
~R. H. Lelchuk
#rhlelchuk #lynnandrick #goals #boldgoals #setgoals #desire #greatdesire #positive #positivesteps #determined #determinedsteps #success #personalsuccess #accomplish #accomplishment #achieve #achievement #quote #quoteoftheday #inspiration #motivation

Friday, June 9, 2017

For All Are Significant

We are all part of a great continuum. Some are meant to be noted, most not, but all play a significant role for someone.
~R. H. Lelchuk
#rhlelchuk #lynnandrick #greatcontinuum #continuum #notoriety #playarole #someone #important #importanttosomeone #significant #quote #quoteoftheday #motivation #inspiration #somethingbigger