Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Today’s Motivation I BEGAN TO BELIEVE IN ME


The success formula is simple. If you want to create wealth, you must
find a way to provide value to others. There are no limitations on what
this can be. The more value you provide, and the more people you provide
it to, the more wealth you will create.

To provide wealth-creating value to others you must believe in your self
and believe in what it is that you provide.

"Every achiever that I have ever met says, 'My life turned around when
I began to believe in me.'" ~Dr. Robert H. Schuller, Minister and Author

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Monday, August 30, 2010



Bravery beyond all expectations, to stand your ground, shout boldly of
your belief is the courage of which success and fortunes are made. Be
courageous as you take on the day and your rewards will be abundant.

“The secret of Happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom, Courage.”

“Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.”
~Clare Boothe Luce

“All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them”
~Walt Disney

"Determination, energy, and courage appear spontaneously when we care
deeply about something. We take risks that are unimaginable in any other
~Margaret J. Wheatley

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Saturday, August 28, 2010



It’s obvious today that things are “different” than they were. Life is
a bit more challenging and uncertainty seems to be the watchword
of the day. That is just what’s so, not that it’s good or bad, it’s the
way things are. Things are good or bad depending upon what we
say, what we think about, what we focus upon.

So, while most are claiming that the sky is falling and doom is surely
upon us you have the choice to accept that kind of talk, that way of
thinking or you can keep an alternative point of view.

Looking for the opportunity in every turn in the road is one great
way to ward off the Armageddon view. And, there are opportunities,
new markets and sapling businesses everywhere, everywhere if
you’re looking.

“Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones.” ~Mike Dooley

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Friday, August 27, 2010

Today’s Motivation YOU DID YOUR BEST!


Since you’re going to do something you might as well do it right.
If you’re going to work today, you might as well do your very best
while on the job. If you’re going to build a relationship, you might
as well make it a lasting, healthy and happy one. As long as you’ve
got to drive today, you might as well make it a pleasant and safe ride.

If you’re going to do anything you’ll find that it doesn’t take that
much more effort to do the best you possibly can. Give it all you’ve
got so you know in your heart of hearts that the best in you showed
up today. When so many are willing to settle, rising above the crowd
really only takes 100%.

Throw yourself fully into everything you do. Do it with excellence.
Do complete work. Be diligent in your follow up. It’s a matter of an
attitude with honor. Look in the mirror to acknowledge you did your

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today’s Motivation THE MOST AMAZING GIFT


Right from birth each of us has been endowed with a spec-
tacular gift. No one can take it from you. You have full charge
and complete control of it for your entire life.

It is a miraculous phenomenon of nature. It works beautifully
providing a basis for all that you do, all that you are and all that
you achieve. No two gifts on the planet are the same and yet they
all have an uncanny commonality of traits and functions. The
gift mostly takes care of its own inner workings without your
care or attention.

Most of us never give it much attention and assume it will just
keep up its good work. It has been known to malfunction and
unfortunately it can be broken. Repair is not always guaranteed.
But, treat is well and it will operate successfully your whole life

Care for your gift, your body and, as Mother Nature has it de-
signed, it will take care of you. 

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



You can achieve everything, accomplish everything you
have ever wanted to have, experience, or become. The
power has and always will be within you, but nothing
will happen until you get and stay motivated to make
something happen, to change your life and achieve your

Once you develop your drive, commitment, imagination
and confidence your self-motivation will arise naturally.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Tuesday, August 24, 2010



Capabilities – “If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you’re right.” ~George Bernard Shaw

Opportunities – “An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
~ Winston Churchill

Commitment – “The future belongs to the common man with uncommon determination.”
~Baba Amte

Action – “Practice is the test of all instructions.”
~Publilius Syrus

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Monday, August 23, 2010


Beware Of Your Gunless Friend!

The dangerous people are not the ones
Who hit you with clubs and rob you with guns!
The thief won't attack your character traits
Or belittle your abilities to your face!
It likely will be a well-meaning friend
Who merely crushes your will to win.

No, he doesn't rob you, at point of gun,
He simply says, "It can't be done."
When pointed to thousands who already are
He smiles and says, "They're superior!"
Personality-wise, and abilities, too,
They're way ahead of what others can do!"

It matters not that his words are untrue
For, you feel "others" must know you!
So, you're robbed of your hopes, your dreams to succeed.
Robbed of the material blessing received,
Robbed of your faith that says, "I can."
And robbed by an ignorant, gunless friend.

So, the deadliest of men is not he with a gun,
But the one who tells you "It can't be done!"
For that taken by burglars can be gotten again.
But, what can replace your will to win?

~Author Unknown

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today's Motivation YOU CAN IF YOU THINK YOU CAN!

You Can If You Think You Can!

If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win, but you think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost,
For out in the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will.
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But soon or late the man who wins,
Is the man who thinks he can.

~ C. W. Longenecker ~

Friday, August 20, 2010

Today’s Motivation I’VE LEARNED… By Andy Rooney

I’VE LEARNED… By Andy Rooney

I've learned... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of
an elderly person.
I've learned... That when you're in love, it shows.
I've learned... That just one person saying to me, "You've made my
day!" makes my day.
I've learned... That no matter how serious your life requires you to
be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
I've learned... That money doesn't buy class...
I've learned... That it's those small daily happenings that make life
so spectacular.
I've learned... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who
wants to be appreciated and loved.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Today’s Motivation GROW A WIN-WIN MINDSET


To grow a Win-Win mindset, you need to focus on the development of
three character traits:

   1.  Integrity. Integrity means treating everyone by the same set of
principles. Conforming reality to our words – keeping promises and
fulfilling expectations. Being loyal to those who are not present.

   2.  Maturity. Maturity is the balance between courage and consider-
ation. Expressing feelings and convictions with courage balanced with
consideration for the feelings and convictions of another person requires
maturity, particularly if the issue is very important to both parties.

   3.  An Abundance Mentality. An abundance mentality flows from a
deep inner sense of personal worth and security. It is a paradigm that 
states that this is a world of plenty and that there is enough for every-
body. It results in the sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of
decision-making. It opens possibilities, options, alternatives and creativity.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Today’s Motivation THINK WIN-WIN


In his best-seller The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey
defines Win-Win as a frame of mind which constantly seeks mutual benefit
in all human interactions.

   · Win-Win means that agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial,
mutually satisfying.

   · With a Win-Win solution, all parties feel good about the decision and feel
committed to the action plan.

   · Win-Win sees life as a cooperative, not a competitive arena. Most people
tend to think in terms of dichotomies: strong or weak, hardball or softball,
win or lose. But that kind of thinking is fundamentally flawed, because it is
based on power and position rather than principle.

   · Win-Win is based on the paradigm that there is plenty for everybody, that
one person's success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success
of others.

   · Win-Win is a belief in the third alternative. It’s not your way or my way;
it’s a better way, a higher way.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today’s Motivation TELL ME IT JUST AIN’T SO


We’ve all had things happen in our lives and our reaction has been,
“I can’t believe it.” Yet, regardless of what you want to believe or not
that thing has happened, it is a reality and it is where there is to deal

I’ve been walking around today doing that exact thing, being in dis-
belief. My intellect tells me the thing happened and there are con-
sequences. My heart is pleading with reality, “Tell me it just ain’t so.”

There is only one thing to do when something happens you wished
had not. Look it square in the eye, acknowledge it and lay out a new
course of action. Action is the answer to any unwanted situation.

As the Borg would say, “Resistance is futile.” And, they were right.
You can resist until you’re blue in the face, it won’t change what has
happened. What will make a difference are the determined actions
steps you now take.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Monday, August 16, 2010

Today’s Motivation KEEP ON TRUCKIN’


Ever have any of these? Obstacles, roadblocks, upsets, setbacks, 
changes, postponements, delays, detours, sidetracks, procrastination, 
barriers, obstructions, disappointments, holdups, slow downs, it 
ain’t going like you thought it would. If you you’ve never hand 
any of these then you ain’t been up to anything. So….

Just make the most of it, stick with it, persevere, stay determined, 
endure, continue, hang tough, persist, maintain, press on, stand firm, 
stay the course, ride it out, carry on, prevail, forge ahead, keep the 
ball rolling, work it, be consistent, strive, concentrate, sweat, head 
back to the drawing board, build a bridge, light a fire, focus, just…

                           © Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Saturday, August 14, 2010



Everyone has gotten where they are first begin where they were.
And, where you “were” is the spot you find yourself in right now,
today. Your opportunity for success is right in front of you, within
reach and very attainable.

You don't worry about having all the answers in advance to attain
success or to reach your goal. You just need to be laser focused on
your goal and move toward it.

Break your problems into parts and handle one part at a time. Do
what needs to be done first, first. Don't procrastinate when faced
with a difficult problem.

Make things happen today. Build a tendency toward action. Break
up your overall plan for success into small bite sized steps and take
the first step right away.

Every journey begins with the first step. Take the first step toward
your success today.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Friday, August 13, 2010

Today’s Motivation – OMG, THE PAGE IS BLANK!


Nothing is coming to mind. This is freaky. Think, think, think!!!

OK, let’s see, in relation to motivation I’ve posted about ability,
abundance, acceptance, accomplishment, achievement, action,
affirmations, attitude, belief, carpe diem, cause, challenge, character,
circumstance, commitment, confidence, contribution, courage,
creativity, desire, destiny, discipline, doubt, dreams, energy, ex-
cellence, failure, fear, feelings, focus, freedom, goals, happiness,
imagination, and inspiration.

I’ve included the law of attraction, leadership, love, obstacles,
opportunity, passion, persistence, personal growth, planning,
possibility, power, preparation, problems, purpose, responsibility,
risk, self-image, success, thoughts, time, value, vision, visualiz-
ation, will, winning, and work.

Look at that. The page is not blank. It is so full and overflowing,
all that was needed was a little motivational review.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Today’s Motivation “JUST THE FACTS MA’AM.”


Ever feel stuck about something? You can’t see another way for
something to be or a different way to interpret an occurrence? So,
something happened and there are the facts about what happened.

For instance, Johnny was riding his bike and fell off. That’s what
happened. You could make up any kind of story about that instance.
Johnny is not very good riding his bicycle. Johnny wasn’t watching
where he was going. Johnny is a klutz. What you make up about a
situation, what you say and think about what happened is funda-
mental to being human. We always want to be right, we always
want to give a reason.

Consider that you have vast power over what interpretation you
bring to a situation. Something happened or something did not
happen and you made up a story about it. What if you didn’t do
that? What if you became like Sgt. Jack Friday from Dragnet and
just looked at “the facts, ma’am, just the facts.” You could avoid
upsets, not pass judgments, never be wrong and it would give you
a great deal of power over your life.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Wednesday, August 11, 2010



It is the nature of our existence for things to be born, things to come
into existence and for things to pass on, to die. Death makes room for
the new to replace it, the new takes the space of the old, for a time.

Recognizing that it is time for a person, place or a thing to pass is the
sign of an enlightened soul. Fighting the process only produces upset.
Accepting the way things are (and the way things are not) causes peace,
tranquility and calm.

When a thing’s time has been spent, despair not, for behind it blossoms
the new and fresh. It is a time to rejoice!

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

PS TONIGHT! Free GOING FAT2Lean Tele-Introduction. Less than
27 minutes to find out why your caveman body needs this instruction.
Wed. & Sat. http://goingfat2lean.com/intro.html

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Today’s Motivation YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO


Most situations in life come with built in solutions. Problems always
have solutions.

If something is broken, fix it or replace it. If you’ve said something
you should not have said, go apologize to the person you offended.
If your doctor tells you to lose weight for a variety of reasons, figure
the best way to take off the pounds. It’s really very simple. Or is it?

If we know what the solution to a problem is why, in most cases,
does the problem go unresolved? What roadblocks and resistance
do we construct to keep the problem in place?

You know what to do, so just do it so you can focus on the objects
of your desire.

Make the apology.
Build the bridge.
Fix what’s broken.
Buy the new part.
Mend the fence.
Turn the other cheek.
Douse the fire.
Ignite a fire.

Whatever it calls for you know what to do. Do it today.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

PS Free GOING FAT2Lean Tele-Introduction. Less than 27 minutes
to find out why your caveman body needs the instruction. Wed. & Sat. http://goingfat2lean.com/intro.html

Monday, August 9, 2010

Today’s Motivation MAKING THE MOST OF IT

It was Saturday night, my wife was at her fun job, a woman’s
clothing store. I had planned the evening in front of the computer
working on our FaceBook FanPage and preparing copy for our
next email campaign.

6:45 PM Beep, Beep, Beep… both our UPS’s (uninterrupted power
supply) were singing. Power was out. A pretty good thunderstorm
had just passed through but all the lightening and thunder had
ended 20 minutes ago. For the most part FPL (Florida Power and
Light, or as we Floridians like to refer to as Flicker, Plunder and
Loot) keeps us with light and, more importantly, air conditioning.
Couldn’t figure why the power went out now.

A hard phone line comes in handy at times like these. FPL says it
will have power back by tomorrow morning! Whoa! No computer,
no TV, no lights and, oh yeah, no A/C. No way!

So, life hands us lemons some times. (Personally, I like lemons and
think they get a bad rap for stuff they had nothing to do with.) Like
they say, time to make lemonade. I agree. I can still write and read
and that’s going to keep me productive, even if by candle power.

Time to “make the most of it…” just the way it is.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

PS Free GOING FAT2Lean Tele-Introduction. Less than 27 minutes
to find out why your caveman body needs the instruction. Wed. &
Sat. http://goingfat2lean.com/intro.html

Saturday, August 7, 2010



If you will not speak up for yourself then who will? How will the
world know what special talent you have to offer if you don’t open
your mouth?

Everyone has a voice, a powerful loud speaker connected directly
from your thoughts, your dreams and your motivations. If it is
put on mute there is nothing to distinguish you from the herd.

Speak up for yourself. Enroll others in your ideas and visions. Shout
from the highest mountain those things that are important to you,
to the world.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Friday, August 6, 2010



Every time a problem arises in your world, and of course you know problems are
going to come your way, just tell yourself loud and clear…


© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Today’s Motivation - What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

I was recently asked “what’s your story?” It got me thinking.
Am I going to tell a story of my past or what?

The past is history, where we’ve come from the experiences
we’ve gone through. You did this, you did that. You had this
happen, you had that happen. It is informational

What if, when asked “what’s your story?”, it became about
what you are creating, the life you are living into, what you
are bringing forth into the world? There is mighty power in
projecting your will and desire into life.

So, when someone asks you about your story or your business
or what you do make it about what you are up to causing.

So, What’s Your Story?

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today’s Motivation 12 RULES TO SUCCESS - #12


“Learn continually. There’s always “one more thing” to learn.
Cross-pollinate ideas with others both within and outside your
company. Learn from customers, competitors and partners. If
you partner with someone whom you don’t like, learn to like 
them - praise them and benefit from them. Learn to criticize
your enemies openly, but honestly.”

A life long process learning is. Input is important; new input,
differing input innovates. Everyone with whom you come in
contact has some teaching to offer. Be open to it. Seek out
foreign ideas to incorporate into your thinking. There’s always
room for another idea.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today’s Motivation 12 RULES TO SUCCESS - #11


“Learn from failures. Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes.
It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other

Respect your failures. They are milestones on the journey. Everyone makes
them, everyone is human.

In flying when you have a problem the rule is climb, confess and comply.
It works in your life too. Climb to get the bigger picture as the view from
above gives greater information. Confess is to tell that you made a mistake,
you have a failure, something is amiss. It gives others a sense of your being
a straight shooter. And, comply with the laws of nature to move forward
and rectify the failure.

You are now cleared for takeoff!

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

Monday, August 2, 2010

Today’s Motivation 12 RULES TO SUCCESS - #10


“Innovate. Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower. Delegate. Let
other top executives do 50% of your routine work to be able to spend 50%
your time on the new stuff. Say no to 1,000 things to make sure you don’t
get on the wrong track or try to do too much. Concentrate on really im-
portant creations and radical innovation. Hire people who want to make
the best things in the world. You need a very product-oriented culture,
even in a technology company. Lots of companies have tons of great
engineers and smart people. But ultimately, there needs to be some gravi-
tational force that pulls it all together.”

You cannot be a leader by following others. The view is always the same.
Step out in front with new ideas. Free your time to develop, formulate,
conceive and evolve. Align yourself and your organization with the people 
destine to excel. Let inspiration pull it all together.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk