Monday, January 30, 2012

Today’s Transformation – Ready, Aim, Fire!

Transformation occurs when your internal story about an occurrence, person, place or thing is blown out of the water every time it surfaces. Stand in possibility, deal with the facts and create newly.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Schedule a complimentary 30-minute
transformational discovery session at
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Friday, January 27, 2012

Today’s Transformation – The Automated Life Limits Possibility – Complaints

We complain. We judge. We evaluate. It’s a normal function of being human even if it is unproductive. We complain that things shouldn’t be a certain way, a person shouldn’t be the way they are, life should be different. Even though our complaints seem justified, even legitimate, there is a certain payoff we get that reinforces the behavior. But, every payoff comes with a cost. And, in the case of complaints it’s personal affinity, aliveness, fulfillment and expression free from concern.

By turning off the mechanics of complaining constantly and interrupting the cycle of payoffs, we discover new ways of relating that leads to greater degrees of satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness.

The possibility of seeing things in a new and untainted light empower, enliven and transform.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
A complimentary 30-minute discovery session awaits you at
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Today’s Transformation – The Automatic Life Limits Possibility

We love patterns. We do the same routine every morning before going to work. We drive the same route. Eat mostly at the same places for lunch. When we grocery shop we tend to walk the same aisle in the same order week in and week out. We have patterns and routines when on the computer. The list goes on and on. Oh, and we complain about the same stuff over and over and over.

All of this becomes automatic and unnoticed.

Noticing your patterns and routines will give you the opportunity to shift the way you do things and open new paths of possibility.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
A complimentary 30-minute discovery session awaits you at
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Monday, January 23, 2012

Today’s Transformation – Tell Me a Story

Things happen in life. There are the facts about what happened and there is the story you tell yourself about what happened.

We humans tend to merge what actually happened in a given situation and what our little voice interprets the occurrence. We do it so automatically that it becomes hard to separate the fact from the made up story. Over time we think of it as how the actual instance happened.

Making someone or something bad and wrong because we made up a story puts constraints and boundaries in our lives. Until the cycle of story and fact is broken we find ourselves caught in an endless loop of misinterpretation.

By separating the story from the fact we get to see how our story has influenced our thinking, and our behavior. Personal relationships begin again to flow. Limitations in our thinking expand and options that didn’t seem present before appear.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Schedule your complimentary
30-minute discovery session today at
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Friday, January 20, 2012

Today’s Transformation – A Clean Slate

Life appears to be a certain fixed way. To change something we attempt to alter circumstances, situations, people, ourselves. Change merely attempts to alter what already exists, the way something appears to us. Change is linked unavoidably to the past as we compare what we want to change to what was. Change provides a more, better or different version of the preceding.

Transformation is creating from nothing, an inventing, a shifting of perception without influence from the pervasive past. It’s like starting with a blank slate. Limitations and constraints are released and new realms of possibility can be explored.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Schedule your complimentary
30-minute discovery session today at
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Today’s Transformation – Listen, do you want to know a secret?

When you are in a conversation with someone are you just waiting your turn to talk? Are you really listening to what is being said or are you merely judging and evaluating? The way we listen to others can determine the amount of valuable and insightful information we gain from another.

Consider this example…
On every commercial flight you have taken there is a safety announcement. Mostly we read a magazine, stare out the window and don’t really listen. That’s one type of listening. However, if that same steward started making an announcement in flight about a pending emergency landing you’d listen differently, intently. Why? Because your life depended upon it.

Listen as if you life depended upon it.

By granting someone your full attention when they speak, not only will you learn a lot but you will show the respect and honor to another of your full attention.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery session today at
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Monday, January 16, 2012

Today’s Transformation – Pre-existing Notions and Filters

For the most part we think of ourselves as open minded and objective beings, willing to take in new information without prejudice, without pre-judging. But the truth is we, as human beings, filter everything, cycle it though our way of thinking and come to some sort of a conclusion about ourselves, our circumstances, our past experiences and others. These filters are mostly hidden from our view.

These filters, the way we already think, have a pervasive influence that colors our view. When we gain awareness of these filters, and the limitation they impose, fresh arenas of freedom and possibility emerge and life alters in a dramatic fashion.

In the next few moments you will have one of these encounters. Work on noticing how you already think about something and open yourself up to another point of view.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Friday, January 13, 2012

Today’s Transformation – The Context is Crucial

Context influences meaning. Transformation can occur like a paradigm shift.

The classic example for the paradigm shift is the argument for the earth being flat or round. For the flat earth believers when ships sailed toward the horizon and disappeared it was feared they “fell off” the edge. When we learned that the earth is round, we understood the ships sailed to the horizon and because of the curvature they disappear. Two totally differing points of view for the same situation; the only thing that changed was the point of view, the context of how the earth is shaped.  

Another example is a man riding the subway with two children. He’s dressed nicely but unkempt. His kids are loud, running around and disturbing the train car. He does nothing about it, merely sits staring off into space. You get annoyed thinking the guy can’t control his kids and really doesn’t care.

So, you approach him and demand that he curb his rowdy kids immediately. You want to know what’s the matter with him and his children? He looks up with dazed  awareness of you and quietly says, “I, I’m sorry. We’ve just come from the hospital where their mother died.”

All of a sudden the whole scene makes sense, you soften your attitude toward the guy, and your contempt turns into sympathy in a split second.

Changing your point of view changes your context and your thinking. That’s transformation.

The context is crucial.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Today’s Transformation – Response: to Act or to React

The study of the states of being is a branch of metaphysics called ontology. The best way to explain it is by example.  

For instance, on one day a mother comes home from work to a messy house. She screams at the kids, tears around the place proclaiming, “You have no consideration, I have to do all the work around here. Now get into your rooms a clean them… and don’t come out until they are clean!”

Same house, same mom on another day. She comes home to the same mess, but this time she says calmly, “Ok, you guys, time to clean up the house. Let’s all pitch in and get this place tidied up and then we’ll fix dinner together. Won’t that be fun?”

The obvious difference between the two scenes is who she is being in the moment. In the first scene she is upset and out of control, in the second, calm and in charge. What happened between the first scenario and the second? For whatever reason who she was being was altered, different. And, this is what we have control over in every situation in our lives. We get to say how we are going to act.

Within our ability to act, rather than react, lives the power of personal responsibility and transformation.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Monday, January 9, 2012

Today’s Transformation – Did you Notice That?

As mentioned before, we humans are more like machines in our mental make-up than not. Your reactions and responses to certain stimuli are usually the same, unless you consciously intervene. In order to transform anything in your life it is essential to begin to notice your reactions and responses to events BEFORE responding.

Noticing your reactions and responses begins the process of distinguishing a machine like response from a transformed human response. Being conscious of your thoughts in any given situation gives you the chance to choose the type of reaction to have.

It takes practice, a lot of practice, to slow your system down long enough to think through your next step. Try it for just the next hour, the next 60 minutes. Become aware of your thoughts as events occur and then choose how to respond.

The game is to always be aware of your thoughts and responses. Even as a skilled practitioner of this technique the occasional instant reaction slips through. After all, you are human.

OK? Trial run begins now for one hour.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Friday, January 6, 2012

Today’s Transformation – E + R = O

We humans are machines. We respond almost identically in most situations. We even talk about having our buttons pushed when we react to someone. Very machine like. 

Psychotherapist, Robert Resnick devised a simple formula to describe human behavior. E + R = O or Event plus Response equals Outcome. Working on your response to an event will alter the outcome to any event.

When my ex-wife stood in front of me with her arm crossed and said, “We’ve got to talk” my immediate reaction was to back away wondering what I had done wrong this time. You can imagine the outcome of those interactions. My response was always the same.

When my current wife says the exact same words I lean in and eagerly want to know what’s on her mind, even if her arms are crossed. A different reaction to a similar event.
Transformation has occurred.

The next time a familiar situation happens to you notice your immediate reaction. It’s like punching B8 on a juke box and always getting the same song. We become predictable in our reactions.

Noticing your reaction is the first step in transforming a behavior.

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Today’s Transformation – The Change It’s Not

Transformation is not change. Change takes the parts and pieces you have already and simply rearranges them. If you tear a piece of paper in half you have merely changed its appearance. A transformation might happen if you lit the paper on fire. Its essence has then been transformed. It is no longer paper.  

Change inherently works with your past. You take what you’ve got and try to make it more, better or different. And, given that the past has a strangle hold on most of us, change does not last.

Thinking like “When I find the right job, marry the right partner, drive the right car, make enough money” is all about change, and has nothing to do with transformation. Change is more of the same wearing different clothing.

Transformation requires that you release your attachment to the past, to what you currently “be, do or have” for what is possible. You must let go of the past for transformation to alter your future. 

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms

Monday, January 2, 2012

Today’s Transformation – The Beginning

Today marks a shift from Today’s Motivation to Today’s Transformation. Why?

Motivation gets people fired up, raring to go, eager to act… for a little while until the motivation wears off… and it does wear off. It is the reason Zig Ziglar said: “People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing--that's why we recommend it daily.” With motivation there is no underlying shift in who one is being. You merely attempt to excite the old.

Transformation, on the other hand, causes a shift in who one is being. Transformation can happen in an instant and it lasts. This will become more and more apparent in the days ahead.

Welcome to Today’s Transformation!

© Copyright 2011 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk
Your Business. Your Life. Your Terms