Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today’s Motivation – DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH


Yesterday you looking into the infinite universe to find your
Thousand Points of Light, the things in life that inspire you,
get you fired up. You may still be adding things to this list
and that’s perfectly normal as points come to mind.

Review your list. Let your being become engulfed in the 
energy it possesses. It is yours and yours alone. Own it. You
should have a silly big grin on your face. Perfect!

Now let’s do another exercise that is designed to have your
purpose bubble to the surface.

Imagine there were no limitations or consequences in your
life. What is meant by there are no consequences? You are
not given the freedom to rob, deceive, murder, wreck havoc
on society. What is meant by there are no limitations?
There is no financial, geographic, health or people related
boundaries. You have unlimited funds, you can go anywhere
you like, your health is perfect and you are with the people
you want to be with.

Can you picture this? Imagine no bills that can’t be handled
with easy and with plenty left over. Imagine being any place,
in any living quarters, with the view of your dreams. Imagine
your body is well and fully energized. Imagine all the right
people surrounding you. Imagine you would never get tired
of this kind of life.

Here it is, this is THE question: What would you be doing
with your time?

STOP, go back to that question and invest some time in it.
Really drill down, pull from your list of A Thousand Points
of Light. What would you be doing everyday and not getting
sick of it. Work this one over, because that IS your purpose.

There is no right or wrong. There is no one purpose higher
or better than another. A person here to touch one live is a
vital and important as one who shapes the course of mankind.
Do not sell your purpose short. Embrace it.

Here’s a quick heads up for you. The thought that rose to the
top will be something simple, without form or detail. It may
seem to be so simple that you have a hard time accepting that
it could be your purpose. Don’t let that fool you. Great and
mighty lives have emerged from an uncomplicated thought.

© Copyright 2010 Lynn and Rick Lelchuk

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